
I have been meaning to write my thoughts about SQL Server for a while.  I hope my thoughts will help others with their SSIS and SQL questions as well as to help me to learn from writing as well as from the input of others.

I am preparing for a very exciting week of SQL Server training.  This coming Saturday I will be attending SQL Saturday #172 in Portland, OR (http://sqlsaturday.com/172/eventhome.aspx) presenting about using the SSRS web services in SSIS (http://sqlsaturday.com/viewsession.aspx?sat=172&sessionid=11468).  The next week will be filled with the SQL PASS Summit 2012.  Then as if one week of SQL is not enough, I will be attending SQL Saturday #166 in Olympia, WA (http://sqlsaturday.com/166/eventhome.aspx) and presenting an introduction to the XML Source in SSIS (http://sqlsaturday.com/viewsession.aspx?sat=166&sessionid=11529).

Besides a week of SQL, I hope to catch a little time with my family and friends in the Seattle area.  I grew up here and I do miss the light but constant rains every once in a while.

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